First of all, plggr is pronounced "plugger".
What is plggr?
plggr will be a social media site that will allow individuals to submit their own "plugs" for stuff. I know that "stuff" is a broad term, and that's the point. If you want to plug a new album, an artist, a wine, a restaurant, an activity, clothing, or a store, you can. This is a short list. At first I thought the list would be comprised of nouns, but what if you like snowshoeing, running, or blogging? Why can't you plug those? Well, I guess you can.
Of course, there is a chance that someone will have created the plug before you. In that case, you can plug it as well or at least vote for that plug. The more something is plugged, the quicker it will rise to the top. The "top" will be either the homepage, a result-set of a search, or category page.
Wait. Isn't that Digg?
Kinda. Digg is site that lists user-submitted websites. The rating system helps submissions get to the homepage from member interst (i.e. "diggs", thumbs-ups, etc.) or they will never see the light of day because they are buried or dugg-down. But, if you think about it, this provides a snap-shot of the web on a current date. Sure, there are things that resurface, but you are constantly being presented with new news articles, images, and blogs that are appearing on the web.

Is there anything else that's different?
Yes! First of all, there will be no negative reviews or buries. I love the idea of positivity. Plus, if you don't like something that someone else has plugged, then go plug something different. Someone was passionate enough about something to try and spread some word-of-mouth, why would you want to take that away? As I was explaining plggr to someone, I used the example of Pizza Hut. It is a guilty pleasure of mine; why would you want to take that away from me?
There's one more trick: the more you plug, the more weight your vote carries. If you plug the new club in your city, and then 1,000 people plug it after you, you will get 1,000 "points". The users with the most points will be identified as trendsetters. Therefore, they are the people that you want to watch.
The more you plug, and the eariler, will make a world of difference.
I like it. What's next?
What's next is development. There is already database work underway to make the system quick & efficient. Also, a great designer is being hired to make everything look great.
In the meantime, check back to this blog to keep up-to-date on what's happening with plggr.
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